hrough the USB port it is already compressed in the format you desire such as MPEG-1 for VCD (Video on CD), or MPEG-2 for SVCD (Super Video CD) and DVD (Digital Versatile Disc). Instant DVD 2.0 includes several ?exible and dynamic software tools for your video projects: Instant DVD Overview Powerful Software bundle: We want to be sure you receive the greatest bene?ts from your Instant DVD purchase so we have included lots of software to meet your various project goals. Some times you may just want to archive video to disk in the fastest way possible. Other times you may want to get a bit creative, but you’ll save most of the video editing for a later time. And for the big project you want to have a full featured video editor that gives you the freedom to be creative. The good news is that Instant DVD lets you do all that. We don’t just give you one single way to use the product, we provide many ways to get video in, out and on to disk. INSTANT DVD 2.0 Page 6 ENGLISH INSTANT DVD 2.0 Page 7 ENGLISH Ways to Capture and Edit Video CapWiz: EASY VIDEO CAPTURE & PLAYBACK This is the fastest and easiest way to capture MPEG-1 (VCD) or MPEG-2 (SVCD, DVD) video on your PC. Use the Wizard screens to verify your video connections, video compression format and where you want your video ?les stored on your computer hard drive. Use CapWiz to quickly capture video or send MPEG video back to a VCR for recording or a TV for viewing. CapWiz also allows you to set up timed recordings and delayed recordings and easily select video capture bit rates for Good, Better or Best DVD video quality. You can even set custom settings for video resolution, video and audio bit rate, constant or variable bit rates and set video pre-processing...