iresiduidigrassoo calcarepossanoostrui- reiforideldiscoforato adoccia. Ilserbatoiononèben inserito. C’èpocaacquaela pompanonaspira. Controllareilfiltrocontenenteilmacinato.Seiforellini sonootturati,vannoripuliticonunospazzolinooppure, mediantel’usodiunattrezzo,teneresospesoilfiltrosulla fiammadelgasperalcunisecondi:iresiduidifondidicaffè verrannobruciatiediforellinisarannoperfettamente stasati. Azionarelamacchinasenzaportafiltrofacendodefluire l’acqua.Sel’acquanonesceuniformementedatuttiifori significacheildiscoèotturato.Inquestocasoèopportuno recarsialpiùvicinocentrodiAssistenzaAutorizzatoper fareseguirelapulizia. Inserirebeneilserbatoiospingendoloafondo. Riempireilserbatoio. Ilcaffèètroppo acquosoefreddo. Lamiscelaèstata macinatatroppogrossa Perottenereuncaffèpiùconcentratoepiùcaldo,sideve usareunamiscelapiùfinementemacinata. InognicasoquestoproblemasieliminausandoilDisco Thermocream®,cheassicurasempreuncaffèbollenteed unariccacrema,ancheconcaffèmacinatogrosso 7 • Carefully read the instructions before using • Do not use the coffee maker without water because the pump will burn. • The cord must not touch any hot parts of the coffee maker. • Unplug before any maintenance or cleaning operations. • Do not leave the coffee maker at a room temperature below 0º because the water remaining in the boiler could freeze and cause damage. • Disconnect the appliance from the socket before filling with water. • The appliance is only for domestic use. • Keep the appliance out of the reach of children while it is operating. • If the cord is damaged it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its Technical Assistance Ser- vice or by a person with similar professional training in order to avoid any possible ris...