II hard disk drive to SATAII mode. You can also connect SATA hard disk to SATAII connector directly. 11.Power Management for USB 2.0 works fine under Microsoft® Windows® VistaTM 64-bit / VistaTM / XP 64-bit / XP SP1 or SP2 / 2000 SP4. 12.Microsoft® Windows® VistaTM / VistaTM 64-bit driver keeps on updating now. As long as we have the latest driver, we will update it to our website in the future. Please visit our website for Microsoft® Windows® VistaTM / VistaTM 64-bit driver and related information. ASRock website http://www.asrock.com88888 ASRock AM2NF6G-VSTA Motherboard EnglishEnglish EnglishEnglish English Hardware RMinimum Hardware RMinimum Hardware RMinimum Hardware RMinimum Hardware Requirement Tequirement Tequirement Tequirement Tequirement Table for Wable for Wable for Wable for Wable for Windowsindowsindowsindowsindows®®®®® VistaVistaVistaVistaVistaTMTMTMTMTM Premium and Basic Logo Premium and Basic Logo Premium and Basic Logo Premium and Basic Logo Premium and Basic Logo For system integrators and users who purchase this motherboard and plan to submit Windows® VistaTM Premium and Basic logo, please follow the below table for minimum hardware requirement. CPUSempron 2800+ Memory512MB x 2 Dual Channel (Premium) 512MB Single Channel (Basic) 256MB x 2 Dual Channel (Basic) * If you use onboard VGA with total system memory size 512MB and plan to submit Windows® VistaTM Basic logo, please adjust the shared memory size of onboard VGA to 64MB. If you use onboard VGA with total system memory size above 512MB and plan to submit Windows® VistaTM Premium or Basic logo, please adjust the shared memory size of onboard VGA to 128MB or above. * If you plan to use external graphics card on this motherboard, please...